Video Games

A lifelong passion for games brought me to work there  professionally in 2005. From then, I've seen visions of my dreams turn to reality. Below are lists of games I've worked on and games I've beaten.

Game Brain Diary


Progressed a bit on SH2:RE. We had another Pyramidhead sighting and took a break after getting the "Letter Wrench". 


Recently I've been playing games with my daughter. She likes to hit the ramps in GTAV. We pick a nice fast vehiclye from the garage and head out, being cautious to not get a ding on the car or hurt anybody.  We also like to ride the mountains  and find ways to get into the airport to take an airplane to the sky. 

We also  have been working on a Silent Hill2 2 Enhanced Edition play-though. It's going great so far. We are at the part where we are tracking down that creepy little kid with Maria. 

Games I’ve worked on

I started professionally in 2005 as QA on  the launch title Call of Duty 2 for the Xbox 360. Before that I'd been hacking code in Dos games using Norton Commander help me poke around and learning how things work. I also started using Gamemaker around 1999 and made my first top down puzzle game a year later. I was 18 at the time I didn't think much of backing things up until I lost everything when the HDD on my sisters Dell computer died.  In any case, here is a list of published games that I've worked on since starting professionally in the game industry. 


Axe Mans Games

Backcode LLC

DM Applications LLC

DSG Games


Just Fun Lil Games

Mad Dog Games

Robin Games

TLC Productions

WiNF Studios LLC

Games I’ve "beaten"

Suffice it to say that a game is beat when the story mode is complete, or in the case of infinite games, things are maxed out or very, very high level.